Friday, December 31, 2010

total cliche

 I am about to be a total cliche. Yes I normally hate doing that.
However I thought it would be fun to look back at this year, and wrap it with a pretty little bow.

Things I have accomplished, just did, am proud of, not so proud of, & not forgettable.

1. Had baby #2!


2. Sent my oldest to school for the first time.

Proud & Sad

3. Watched my Sisters become Doctors!!

Dr. Twinners!
4. My other sister graduated college too!
need your teeth cleaned?

5. Became a God Mommy!


6.  Been MARRIED for 5 years! - accomplished
7. ignored my dogs - not proud
8. let my house become even a bigger slobhole - way not proud
9. Watched my Pdubs really enjoy his job. - proud, not forgettable.
10. gave up on Zumba, not b/c it was hard or work, but b/c it was ripping me off @$8 a class - just did
11. consumed less pepsi than usual - EXTREMELY PROUD!
12. drank more coffee than usual - extremely unproud!

Now I do have some Goals for 2011...

I will do my best to stay on track with them... hahahahha. I am laughing at myself. I know ME.

1. I want to make my bed everyday!
2. Keep the bathroom company ready at all times!
3. Fold the wash as soon as it comes out of the dryer.
4. Donate more stuff... (selfless? not really.. this is an attempt to downsize my clutter)
5. downsize my clutter
6. be a better mom.
7. be a better wife.
8. cook more
9. eat out less
10. save $$
11. force us to take a vaction with just the four of us! Its never been done, even just the three of us.
      we usually go to family or with family. I want to attempt one on our own. as grown ups with kids.
12. be a happier person!!

Alright happy new year bitches!  If there was anything you wanted to accomplish in 2010 you have a few hours. I am going to attempt to drop 50lbs! Totally doable! I got 6 hours...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a cute christmas

baby beast's first christmas was a success.
bug got everything she wanted and more! thanks to all the santas I have in my family!!
I hope they know how much I appreciate them and all they do for me and my kids!!

Christmas 2010 morning.
before you could get lost in the sea of wrapping paper!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sad to be dissapointed.

I used to love Christmas time.  Its partially the reason I got married right before christmas. The other reason is a whole other huge story. No time for that though.

My 5 year anniversary was less then stellar.  I got Pdubs a nice braclet with something engraved on it & it matches his wedding ring. I put alot of thought into it. I don't think he apperciates it.  Oh Well.

Guess what I got.

Go ahead, bet you'll never guess.

Its something I was expecting.

Go ahead, just one guess, then I will tell you.

I got....


Kinda hurts.  But like I said it was expected.  I mean five years & you couldn't be bothered to duck into the dollar store and buy a card for .50 cents. 

Yep.  Well like I said. I expected it.  I mean you really couldnt even be bothered to GO to a store and buy my engagement ring.   guess I shouldnt be too shocked... and I'm not shocked really. Just dissappointed.

I didn't want anyting spectacular or pricey. Just a card even. Sometimes I dont think thats too much to ask for.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

why oh why.. oh I know

Let me sing you a song of woe.

Woe is me. Woe is us.
We have might have to start taking a bus.

Sell my car? without gas we wont
get far!

Let me hear all the brokes Holler
my bank account is down to a dollar!

Woe is me. Woe is Us
Amma about to make a fuss.

I guess you dont make enough
to support the four of us. 

So glad your happy, Amma about to get slappy.

Waiting tables here I come,
so my kids can be watched by some BUM.

This is no longer fun. We about to be DONE.

Woe is me,
 NO, Woe is you. without me and our two.

I am super Mad, all you can do is shrug.
Whattcha gonna do without a beast or a bug?

.... and thats my song bitches!! haha well that felt good to write down, now to delete this post or not. No one reads this thing, so atleast I will always be able to see my awesome nastiness, if I post it.  Oh well. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Babble

More Random Babble... Yay for you!

1. I tried to make pumkin cheesecake cupcakes. I did not have all the proper ingrediants. They taste good, look horrible.  Atleast my cream cheese frosting is AMAZING!

2. I have laundry to the ceiling to do.

3. It annoys me to NO END  when women wear shelf bra tank tops and think they don't have to wear a real bra.  Most peoples tittays are way to sagg-ay for that. Its gross.

4.  Beast's smile makes my heart melt. Its adorbs.

5. My mother turned me on to kcups ice coffee. Its yum. Its also dangerous. This means ice coffee all day long. I am pretty sure that I put more sugar in my coffee then is in a pepsi.  I have cut back on pepsi to one like every 4th day or so.  This could be a problem. I need to buy splenda.

6. I love love love my white fossil watch. If I could marry it, I would.  Its classy. My husband is not.

7. Beast rolled over the other day, I missed it. Pdubs saw it. It a bittersweet feeling for me. I love that he got to witness a "first" since I always have to tell him about them.  Awesome for him to finally see one rather than hear about it. but I didnt see it. I heard about it.  I missed a first. I am sad.

8. My dogs went on a mini vacay to there favorite place. Aunt Deanns house.  I was sad to see them come home.

9. Yoga booty ballet kicked my ass yesterday.  Today is P90 express. I am sure I will be in tears by the end.   GOOD.

10. I love Christmas time. I am dreading it this year. 

11. Bug should be cast in the next KickAss movie.

12. Bug's teacher sent home a newsletter.  It had a list of what she was thankful for with every students name.  She is thankful for Bug's reading skills. I was relieved when I read this. I was glad she wasnt thankful for "enthusiam".  We all know that means, that kid be crazy! I am Proud.
13.  Breast feeding makes me feel like a cow.  Boob juice be flowing!
14.  I need to find a job, one that will let me milk myself when I need too. So waiting tables - out the window.   Too bad its the only thing I am good at.
15.  I hate that I have to find a job.  It makes me a little hostile. I want to raise my kids, not let some idiot do it. I want to be that idiot. It pisses me off. I resent it, and am starting to resent the reason why.
On that note, now I am pissy and will take it out on my dishes.  Your welcome.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Witches & Bones... and a country cowgirl country singer?

Halloween is today... and we are over it in this house.

Bug has had a week of Halloween.  First we had to trick or treat last week to PDubs parents, since they were going away halloween weekend. Bug got into it then.  She looked amazing.  Beast did too. Beast is easier to dress and control.

They were into it. It pisses me off to know we wasted the most enthusiastic attitude on the weekend prior to halloween.

After her school party. Then a round of "show off " trick or treating.  Bug was less than eager to trick or treat to her Binny and Popee's. Being Popee's big birthday.  Well she was not willing to dress back up AGAIN. I wish she would have stuck it out and stayed her spooky witch. But NO.  She was done with the itchy hair and skirt. Not to mention she was NOT a fan of eyemake up remover. AT ALL.  Pain is beauty kid. Learn now.  She went to her trick or treat / halloween birthday celebration as a cowgirl.  Atleast they had fun.  I guess being a cowgirl was acceptable last minute replacement.

Now Beast. She does whatever you ask her. She just switched up her accessories.  She also got to meet Wanda Witch. They hit it off !
Anyway. Today we will spend the day putting away the halloween stuff. I usually do this with a heavy heart. But not this year.  I am looking forward to tanksgiving. Yes you read that right Tanksgiving.  Thats a whole other story & and may have become my second favorite holiday, pushing halloween to third? We will see. After this years halloween bomb and last years wonderfully fun tanksgiving, it has quite the chance.

Now off to sneak some candy and play with the awesome halloween gifts my girls got! Thanks Binny !!

Sunday, October 24, 2010


I am a Phillies fan.  Last night they lost. They will not make it to their 3rd World Series in a row. I am sad over this.
As a true phillie fan can always say.

There is always next year.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Babble

More Random Babble coming your way...

Right NOW!!

1. PDubs attitude today is not a nice one. Infact he was a bit of a jerk.

2. Beast was and is very cranky today. This may have made PDubs jerkiness stand out even more to me.

3. Tomorow is market day. I usually love to go to market day. I hope I wake up tomorrow and want to go.
    If today was market day, we so would have not made it there.

4. PAYDAY cant come soon enough.

5. I must send Ava's postcards to her penpal.

6. My dogs make me insane some days. Today is one of those days. AGAIN.

7. I want Pumpkin something. pie, roll, coffee, icecream. anything of the pumkin variety would be wonderful.

8. I need need need to catch up on my tv. I am way behind on all most of my shows. Some I didnt even start watching for the season. This is unacceptable.

9. My house is still a disaster. Mostly my bedroom.  I have a chair sitting in the middle covered with clean clothes. Soon PDubs will start getting moody over this. I must clean my bedroom.

10. I am overwhelmed.  Not with the kids, well they are a small part of it, but with something else.

11. Sometimes I amaze myself.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Random Babble

I am stealing this idea of a list of randoms from another blog I read. Thank You.

Random Babble

1. I have bad bad split ends. So bad, infact, yesterday they sizzled when I used the curling iron.

2. Bug has been a HUGE brat lately.

3. I am worried about Christmas. What will Santa leave under our tree? What can Santa afford to leave under our tree?

4. The PDubs was invited to a black tie event. This means tux or sharp black suit for him, and a ball gown for me?!?  not to mention hair and makeup?  Stressful!

5. I feel bad for some one I truly dislike.  I want to say I am sorry for their loss, but do not want her to think we are OK.

6. That probably makes me a bad person.

7. I dont care.

8. Beast was to the doctor yesterday. She is PERFECT!! she now weighs 9lbs 4ounces and is a whopping 22.5 inches tall.  She will be 10 weeks old on Sunday.

10. We need to grocery shop bad. But we are broke this week, so we are clearing out the pantry.  Its a wonder why we ever bought what was in there to begin with.

11. I love telling people my sisters are pharmacists. Doctors of Pharmacy. So they are DRs. I have sisters who are DRs. Suck that people.

12. My house is a disaster. I need to clean it. Everytime I look around and want to get started, its just too overwhelming and I give up, slouch on the couch and stuff my face. Bad for all reasons. No good in that.  I SUCK.

13. I have the grass is always greener syndrome.  I hate myself for this. 

14. I did not work out at all this week. I planned too, but much like cleaning my house, the thought of working out overwhelmed me.  BOO ME

15. I liked doing this list, and more will follow.

Happy Weekend to You

Monday, October 11, 2010

Today Bug has off school It is Colombus day. Wahoo!!  I like days where I dont have to get up early and get her ready and out the door. I enjoy sleeping past 7am.  If that makes me a bad mom, yeah well.  I hate sending Bug off to school, I hate that she has to go to school. But I make her go, and I do get up and ready her to perfection.  That makes me a good Mom, so ninny ninny on you.
Bug sporting Bug glasses.

Baby Beast has been sleeping very very Well!! Mommy likes this a lot.  She gets up maybe once around 4 to eat. Thank You Baby Beast. At 9 weeks old, sleeping through most nights is music to my ears.  I love that you do this.  So does your daddy. He thanks you too. 

 Baby Beast aka Summer Snowflake is growing!!!! Yay!! She is now a little bigger than LuLu.  LuLu is Bugs daughter. She adopted her in NYC. She is my granddaughter and is treated as such.  LuLu and Beast hangout.  When Beast came home from the hosptial she was much smaller than LuLu. We are glad to see her growing.
Beast and LuLu hanging out.

Today will be the first day of my workout. Beast is 9 weeks old now, I should probably start trying to lose the baby weight I gained 5 years ago with Bug.  Sad, but Beast weighed more than I gained. So now I start trying to get rid of the weight I packed on inbetween babies.  I wish it wouldnt be as pathetic as it sounds. It is what it is though. Cant change it now. Can only chnage going forward.  I hope to lose atleast 10lbs before Thanksgiving and maybe another 5 before Christmas.  I dont know if these goals are reasonable.  I have never dieted before.  I should have, but was always OK with myself.  Today is different. I am not OK with myself today, so today I change.  (I should have probably skipped the cornflakes for breakfast then, and ate maybe an apple... too late now) I will start with this old dvd I found. P90 express. My husband has been doing it for a week now. He feels better. Lost 3 pounds. So fingers crossed it will help me too.  GO ME!
This is a great Picture of ME!! yeahright. Bleh..
Anyway, this is as good as it gets for a before picture.  I am the MOST unphotogentic person you will ever meet EVER. So there arent many of me.  Good ones anyway! 
Wish me LUCK! 

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Ava is away for the day.. I dont like it.
she is having a good time with her mommom though.
And it is giving me a much need break.
She'll be home tomorrow. 
Miss you Bug. See you tomorrow.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I started this blog for a few reasons. One being I wanted a place where I could rant and rave and bitch and moan.  Two I place to share the crazy stupid comical things that happen in my little world.

Nothing really has happened since.  Weird.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bad Dogs

My dogs, I love them, but lately I can not stand them. They annoy the sh*t out of me.  Ace needs a haircut and Gypsybelle needs a good brush. I just dont have the time or will power to do it.  Its always a job and half to get a brush near either one of them.  They shed all over. I cant deal with the hair on my sheets and bedspread. I am constantly washing and changing my sheets. (more than my usual twice a week) With a newborn, they are getting to be a bit much.   Ace ALWAYS needs to go out when I am feeding the beast.  She does it on purpose. I cant get  up and put her out when the beast is attached to me.  I find random, smelly pee spots. It grosses me out. and I am the only one to clean up after them.  Or groom them. UGH and they ruined my sofa. chewing their bones on my sofa. leaving gross marks. ICK.  My carpets and sofas need a good steam clean.


Ace (after her last haircut)

They are Bugs dogs though. And she does help take care of them. I do have to give her that. She feeds them, and helps put them out and bring them in when she is home.   And they were fine until beast came home. thats when all hell broke lose. I just hope they calm down. So my nerves calm down. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Child the Fashionista

Cute right? She thinks she's the next Rachel Zoe. Her new dream is to dress the stars. And attend fashion shows. Thats okay by me ... I guess. Yes that is a pillowcase.

On another unrelated note, I cant stop lactating through bras and pads and shirts. This is becoming a huge problem.  I pump and feed the beast on a regular basis. The boob juice just keeps flowing.. UGH

Saturday, September 18, 2010

slightly surprised!

Having the PDubs away for a few days isnt going as horribly as I thought it was. To tell you the truth it.. the days leading up to his departure, for me, were more stressful. I was worried that I wouldnt have enough hands to do everything, my nerves would be shot by the evening of day one without him here to just give me a second to catch my breath so to speak.  I dont feel overwhelmed at all.  I was even able to reaarange some furniture without him here! (thanks little sister for helping me out)
The only moment I really hated was having to pack us all up to run to pick up the drycleaning. This is something I would normally leave the kids home with him for. Or send him to do... It was alot of prep work for the ten minutes we were gone.  But he needs his work clothes.  So off we went! I did it! I felt like I accomplished something.  Yay Me!

Friday, September 17, 2010

It was a better day today

Yesterday was horrible. Today was better.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Got Milk?

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Fist I sent my husband off to 5 day vacay... Well he is at the races with his dad, but away from us for 5 long days.  Then Beast had a doctors appt, then off to Bugs School to meet the teacher.  UGH.. it was a lot to do trust me.  Being that I boobie feed  the beast.  I had pumped in the am and took that with us everywhere and fed her from the bottle. (backstory)  I rush to the school to meet the teacher. Ofcourse there is absolutly no parking. I search for a spot for ten minutes and just make it inside for the opening speech. yay me!! I cross my arms, because this is how I fake looking interested in what is being said, to feel a bit of wetness. I look down and what do I see, perfect lactaction leaks. OMG... I leaked boob juice through a breast pad, through my bra and two shirts!!! Red faced I ran to the bathroom, hoping no one noticed.  I had to stay to meet the teacher.  As I was fanning my shirt in the bathroom, a lovely lady walks in. I say Hi, she says Hi. I leave embarrassed. Thank God I wont see her again most likely.  Hahah jokes on me. I walk in to Bugs classroom to meet the bathroom lady.  So much for " dont embarrass me mom". Sorry Bug!
 Parent / Teacher conferences wont at all be uncomfortable....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No one tells me anything

My kid is in the paper today. Did I know this? NO. No one asked me. Its okay though, my sister wrote the article that her picture was with. It would have just been nice to know, so when I was asked about it, I didnt look and sound like a dumbbell. But oh well. I am used to looking and sounding like a dumbbell.

Bug LOVES that her picture is in the paper. She thinks this makes her famous. Like famous famous, Gaga and Justin Beiber famous. I didnt want to crush her spirits, But I did explain to her that it will take a gossip mag cover to be considered famous. Thats her next goal. Diva Much?

Ugh.. Maybe not such a great idea

I am trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. So far is going... well not great. I am really a computer and internet dumbbell. YeahWell. Sometimes, Alot of times I start something and do not finish it. Well I am going to try to stick with this for a bit. Just so I can accomplish something. Even if its as dumb as posting to a blog everyday.

We woke up a bit later then usual. But we still brushed our teeth, combed our hair, took our medicine and made it to the bus stop with time to spare! Bug most of the times moves like a snail. (she gets that from her greatgrandmother) but when we gotta move, I must give it to her, so hustles. Yay Bug!
Beast is napping while I try to figure this all out. Very productive of me. Save your applause. I should really be cleaning this tornado site up! Well there is always later!

Monday, September 13, 2010

New to This

I read alot of blogs. Some only once, some only once a day. Some more than that. I decided I was gonna write me own. If no one reads it oh well. Atleast it will keep track of my days for me.
Most of the blogs I come across focus on one thing or another, Food, Health, Crafts. Me well.. I am not one to ever know what I am going to do next, so this blog is just about me and my family and my hectic boring life. Kinda like gossip. I love me some gossip. So who better to do so about us then Me!