Wednesday, November 24, 2010

why oh why.. oh I know

Let me sing you a song of woe.

Woe is me. Woe is us.
We have might have to start taking a bus.

Sell my car? without gas we wont
get far!

Let me hear all the brokes Holler
my bank account is down to a dollar!

Woe is me. Woe is Us
Amma about to make a fuss.

I guess you dont make enough
to support the four of us. 

So glad your happy, Amma about to get slappy.

Waiting tables here I come,
so my kids can be watched by some BUM.

This is no longer fun. We about to be DONE.

Woe is me,
 NO, Woe is you. without me and our two.

I am super Mad, all you can do is shrug.
Whattcha gonna do without a beast or a bug?

.... and thats my song bitches!! haha well that felt good to write down, now to delete this post or not. No one reads this thing, so atleast I will always be able to see my awesome nastiness, if I post it.  Oh well.