Thursday, December 16, 2010

sad to be dissapointed.

I used to love Christmas time.  Its partially the reason I got married right before christmas. The other reason is a whole other huge story. No time for that though.

My 5 year anniversary was less then stellar.  I got Pdubs a nice braclet with something engraved on it & it matches his wedding ring. I put alot of thought into it. I don't think he apperciates it.  Oh Well.

Guess what I got.

Go ahead, bet you'll never guess.

Its something I was expecting.

Go ahead, just one guess, then I will tell you.

I got....


Kinda hurts.  But like I said it was expected.  I mean five years & you couldn't be bothered to duck into the dollar store and buy a card for .50 cents. 

Yep.  Well like I said. I expected it.  I mean you really couldnt even be bothered to GO to a store and buy my engagement ring.   guess I shouldnt be too shocked... and I'm not shocked really. Just dissappointed.

I didn't want anyting spectacular or pricey. Just a card even. Sometimes I dont think thats too much to ask for.