Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Random Babble

More Random Babble... Yay for you!

1. I tried to make pumkin cheesecake cupcakes. I did not have all the proper ingrediants. They taste good, look horrible.  Atleast my cream cheese frosting is AMAZING!

2. I have laundry to the ceiling to do.

3. It annoys me to NO END  when women wear shelf bra tank tops and think they don't have to wear a real bra.  Most peoples tittays are way to sagg-ay for that. Its gross.

4.  Beast's smile makes my heart melt. Its adorbs.

5. My mother turned me on to kcups ice coffee. Its yum. Its also dangerous. This means ice coffee all day long. I am pretty sure that I put more sugar in my coffee then is in a pepsi.  I have cut back on pepsi to one like every 4th day or so.  This could be a problem. I need to buy splenda.

6. I love love love my white fossil watch. If I could marry it, I would.  Its classy. My husband is not.

7. Beast rolled over the other day, I missed it. Pdubs saw it. It a bittersweet feeling for me. I love that he got to witness a "first" since I always have to tell him about them.  Awesome for him to finally see one rather than hear about it. but I didnt see it. I heard about it.  I missed a first. I am sad.

8. My dogs went on a mini vacay to there favorite place. Aunt Deanns house.  I was sad to see them come home.

9. Yoga booty ballet kicked my ass yesterday.  Today is P90 express. I am sure I will be in tears by the end.   GOOD.

10. I love Christmas time. I am dreading it this year. 

11. Bug should be cast in the next KickAss movie.

12. Bug's teacher sent home a newsletter.  It had a list of what she was thankful for with every students name.  She is thankful for Bug's reading skills. I was relieved when I read this. I was glad she wasnt thankful for "enthusiam".  We all know that means, that kid be crazy! I am Proud.
13.  Breast feeding makes me feel like a cow.  Boob juice be flowing!
14.  I need to find a job, one that will let me milk myself when I need too. So waiting tables - out the window.   Too bad its the only thing I am good at.
15.  I hate that I have to find a job.  It makes me a little hostile. I want to raise my kids, not let some idiot do it. I want to be that idiot. It pisses me off. I resent it, and am starting to resent the reason why.
On that note, now I am pissy and will take it out on my dishes.  Your welcome.