Sunday, October 31, 2010

Witches & Bones... and a country cowgirl country singer?

Halloween is today... and we are over it in this house.

Bug has had a week of Halloween.  First we had to trick or treat last week to PDubs parents, since they were going away halloween weekend. Bug got into it then.  She looked amazing.  Beast did too. Beast is easier to dress and control.

They were into it. It pisses me off to know we wasted the most enthusiastic attitude on the weekend prior to halloween.

After her school party. Then a round of "show off " trick or treating.  Bug was less than eager to trick or treat to her Binny and Popee's. Being Popee's big birthday.  Well she was not willing to dress back up AGAIN. I wish she would have stuck it out and stayed her spooky witch. But NO.  She was done with the itchy hair and skirt. Not to mention she was NOT a fan of eyemake up remover. AT ALL.  Pain is beauty kid. Learn now.  She went to her trick or treat / halloween birthday celebration as a cowgirl.  Atleast they had fun.  I guess being a cowgirl was acceptable last minute replacement.

Now Beast. She does whatever you ask her. She just switched up her accessories.  She also got to meet Wanda Witch. They hit it off !
Anyway. Today we will spend the day putting away the halloween stuff. I usually do this with a heavy heart. But not this year.  I am looking forward to tanksgiving. Yes you read that right Tanksgiving.  Thats a whole other story & and may have become my second favorite holiday, pushing halloween to third? We will see. After this years halloween bomb and last years wonderfully fun tanksgiving, it has quite the chance.

Now off to sneak some candy and play with the awesome halloween gifts my girls got! Thanks Binny !!