Monday, October 11, 2010

Today Bug has off school It is Colombus day. Wahoo!!  I like days where I dont have to get up early and get her ready and out the door. I enjoy sleeping past 7am.  If that makes me a bad mom, yeah well.  I hate sending Bug off to school, I hate that she has to go to school. But I make her go, and I do get up and ready her to perfection.  That makes me a good Mom, so ninny ninny on you.
Bug sporting Bug glasses.

Baby Beast has been sleeping very very Well!! Mommy likes this a lot.  She gets up maybe once around 4 to eat. Thank You Baby Beast. At 9 weeks old, sleeping through most nights is music to my ears.  I love that you do this.  So does your daddy. He thanks you too. 

 Baby Beast aka Summer Snowflake is growing!!!! Yay!! She is now a little bigger than LuLu.  LuLu is Bugs daughter. She adopted her in NYC. She is my granddaughter and is treated as such.  LuLu and Beast hangout.  When Beast came home from the hosptial she was much smaller than LuLu. We are glad to see her growing.
Beast and LuLu hanging out.

Today will be the first day of my workout. Beast is 9 weeks old now, I should probably start trying to lose the baby weight I gained 5 years ago with Bug.  Sad, but Beast weighed more than I gained. So now I start trying to get rid of the weight I packed on inbetween babies.  I wish it wouldnt be as pathetic as it sounds. It is what it is though. Cant change it now. Can only chnage going forward.  I hope to lose atleast 10lbs before Thanksgiving and maybe another 5 before Christmas.  I dont know if these goals are reasonable.  I have never dieted before.  I should have, but was always OK with myself.  Today is different. I am not OK with myself today, so today I change.  (I should have probably skipped the cornflakes for breakfast then, and ate maybe an apple... too late now) I will start with this old dvd I found. P90 express. My husband has been doing it for a week now. He feels better. Lost 3 pounds. So fingers crossed it will help me too.  GO ME!
This is a great Picture of ME!! yeahright. Bleh..
Anyway, this is as good as it gets for a before picture.  I am the MOST unphotogentic person you will ever meet EVER. So there arent many of me.  Good ones anyway! 
Wish me LUCK!