Tuesday, October 19, 2010

More Babble

More Random Babble coming your way...

Right NOW!!

1. PDubs attitude today is not a nice one. Infact he was a bit of a jerk.

2. Beast was and is very cranky today. This may have made PDubs jerkiness stand out even more to me.

3. Tomorow is market day. I usually love to go to market day. I hope I wake up tomorrow and want to go.
    If today was market day, we so would have not made it there.

4. PAYDAY cant come soon enough.

5. I must send Ava's postcards to her penpal.

6. My dogs make me insane some days. Today is one of those days. AGAIN.

7. I want Pumpkin something. pie, roll, coffee, icecream. anything of the pumkin variety would be wonderful.

8. I need need need to catch up on my tv. I am way behind on all most of my shows. Some I didnt even start watching for the season. This is unacceptable.

9. My house is still a disaster. Mostly my bedroom.  I have a chair sitting in the middle covered with clean clothes. Soon PDubs will start getting moody over this. I must clean my bedroom.

10. I am overwhelmed.  Not with the kids, well they are a small part of it, but with something else.

11. Sometimes I amaze myself.