Saturday, October 16, 2010

Random Babble

I am stealing this idea of a list of randoms from another blog I read. Thank You.

Random Babble

1. I have bad bad split ends. So bad, infact, yesterday they sizzled when I used the curling iron.

2. Bug has been a HUGE brat lately.

3. I am worried about Christmas. What will Santa leave under our tree? What can Santa afford to leave under our tree?

4. The PDubs was invited to a black tie event. This means tux or sharp black suit for him, and a ball gown for me?!?  not to mention hair and makeup?  Stressful!

5. I feel bad for some one I truly dislike.  I want to say I am sorry for their loss, but do not want her to think we are OK.

6. That probably makes me a bad person.

7. I dont care.

8. Beast was to the doctor yesterday. She is PERFECT!! she now weighs 9lbs 4ounces and is a whopping 22.5 inches tall.  She will be 10 weeks old on Sunday.

10. We need to grocery shop bad. But we are broke this week, so we are clearing out the pantry.  Its a wonder why we ever bought what was in there to begin with.

11. I love telling people my sisters are pharmacists. Doctors of Pharmacy. So they are DRs. I have sisters who are DRs. Suck that people.

12. My house is a disaster. I need to clean it. Everytime I look around and want to get started, its just too overwhelming and I give up, slouch on the couch and stuff my face. Bad for all reasons. No good in that.  I SUCK.

13. I have the grass is always greener syndrome.  I hate myself for this. 

14. I did not work out at all this week. I planned too, but much like cleaning my house, the thought of working out overwhelmed me.  BOO ME

15. I liked doing this list, and more will follow.

Happy Weekend to You