Thursday, September 16, 2010

Got Milk?

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Fist I sent my husband off to 5 day vacay... Well he is at the races with his dad, but away from us for 5 long days.  Then Beast had a doctors appt, then off to Bugs School to meet the teacher.  UGH.. it was a lot to do trust me.  Being that I boobie feed  the beast.  I had pumped in the am and took that with us everywhere and fed her from the bottle. (backstory)  I rush to the school to meet the teacher. Ofcourse there is absolutly no parking. I search for a spot for ten minutes and just make it inside for the opening speech. yay me!! I cross my arms, because this is how I fake looking interested in what is being said, to feel a bit of wetness. I look down and what do I see, perfect lactaction leaks. OMG... I leaked boob juice through a breast pad, through my bra and two shirts!!! Red faced I ran to the bathroom, hoping no one noticed.  I had to stay to meet the teacher.  As I was fanning my shirt in the bathroom, a lovely lady walks in. I say Hi, she says Hi. I leave embarrassed. Thank God I wont see her again most likely.  Hahah jokes on me. I walk in to Bugs classroom to meet the bathroom lady.  So much for " dont embarrass me mom". Sorry Bug!
 Parent / Teacher conferences wont at all be uncomfortable....