Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bad Dogs

My dogs, I love them, but lately I can not stand them. They annoy the sh*t out of me.  Ace needs a haircut and Gypsybelle needs a good brush. I just dont have the time or will power to do it.  Its always a job and half to get a brush near either one of them.  They shed all over. I cant deal with the hair on my sheets and bedspread. I am constantly washing and changing my sheets. (more than my usual twice a week) With a newborn, they are getting to be a bit much.   Ace ALWAYS needs to go out when I am feeding the beast.  She does it on purpose. I cant get  up and put her out when the beast is attached to me.  I find random, smelly pee spots. It grosses me out. and I am the only one to clean up after them.  Or groom them. UGH and they ruined my sofa. chewing their bones on my sofa. leaving gross marks. ICK.  My carpets and sofas need a good steam clean.


Ace (after her last haircut)

They are Bugs dogs though. And she does help take care of them. I do have to give her that. She feeds them, and helps put them out and bring them in when she is home.   And they were fine until beast came home. thats when all hell broke lose. I just hope they calm down. So my nerves calm down.