Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ugh.. Maybe not such a great idea

I am trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. So far is going... well not great. I am really a computer and internet dumbbell. YeahWell. Sometimes, Alot of times I start something and do not finish it. Well I am going to try to stick with this for a bit. Just so I can accomplish something. Even if its as dumb as posting to a blog everyday.

We woke up a bit later then usual. But we still brushed our teeth, combed our hair, took our medicine and made it to the bus stop with time to spare! Bug most of the times moves like a snail. (she gets that from her greatgrandmother) but when we gotta move, I must give it to her, so hustles. Yay Bug!
Beast is napping while I try to figure this all out. Very productive of me. Save your applause. I should really be cleaning this tornado site up! Well there is always later!