Saturday, September 18, 2010

slightly surprised!

Having the PDubs away for a few days isnt going as horribly as I thought it was. To tell you the truth it.. the days leading up to his departure, for me, were more stressful. I was worried that I wouldnt have enough hands to do everything, my nerves would be shot by the evening of day one without him here to just give me a second to catch my breath so to speak.  I dont feel overwhelmed at all.  I was even able to reaarange some furniture without him here! (thanks little sister for helping me out)
The only moment I really hated was having to pack us all up to run to pick up the drycleaning. This is something I would normally leave the kids home with him for. Or send him to do... It was alot of prep work for the ten minutes we were gone.  But he needs his work clothes.  So off we went! I did it! I felt like I accomplished something.  Yay Me!