Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year.

Wow. I forgot all about this!
That would be me,
start something, and not finish it.
Completely forgetting about it all together.

Well, Maybe I will try to start posting again
For my no readers. Thats fine though.
I just had a blast reading through my little
not read blog here.

It was funny to me. WOW
I'll be back (fingers crossed) Next year
Corny Jokes and all.

Monday, June 27, 2011

She is the WORST.

I am going to do a little thing on  here that I will call
It will tell you the WHOS WHATS AND WHYS.

My first target. My mother. SHE IS THE WORST.
I had the pleasure of riding with my mother for a long car trip yesterday.
Lets just say it was a miracle
1- that I didn't puke all over the inside of her car
2- we made it home alive (after I insisted she pull over and I drive the rest of the way)

I often talk to my mom on her way home from work. She is ALWAYS -EVERYDAY - NO LIE- complaining about the other drivers.  Some one is always pulling out on her, or swerving into her lane, or tailgating her.
I had some feeling it couldn't all be other people.
Yesterday confirmed my suspicion. 
Oh Mom may stay in her lane, but she bobs from yellow line to white line. Back and forth, just swaying away as she gas and releases. UGH the surges where the worst.  I honestly was going throw up all OVER. I had to use a bag.  I don't think its TOO hard to apply an even amount of pressure to your gas petal. No wonder she goes through gas like its toilet paper.  She is constantly  ~10x a minute~  stomping on the gas the lifting her foot. OMG.  WHO TAUGHT THIS LADY HOW TO DRIVE???
Lets not get started on how she changes lanes.  No she doesn't look and make sure she has room and gently switch lanes as the car is moving forward. NO she quick glances (not sure she even does this) and BRAKES the practically turns.  This is not a fluid motion, it is a jerky quick ballsy move.
I had to remind her, MY KIDS were in the car.  She blamed the car, the road, but it was never her fault.  Even after hours and hours of  monotonous highway driving, at 10:30 at night while she was tweezing her eyebrows. Yes, you read that right, she some  how found her tweezers, and was tweezing her eyebrows while driving on an interstate with tons of trucks in the dark with my children in the car.
I insisted she pull over and we switch.  She clearly was not fit to drive at after no sleep and a long day, or EVER. 
As I said it is a miracle we made it home. Also that she isn't in more accidents. & She hasn't gotten more tickets.
Next time Mom and I go together somewhere, I WILL DRIVE, my car. This is ensure there being no chance of her driving at all.  My kids are not going to ride in a car with her ever again.  I will continue to make excuses as to why they can't to her and them.
In closing,
thank you dad for teaching me how to drive.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Plain & Simple

Sometimes life Sucks
Sometimes it doesn't

Today it doesn't!

~And Now for RANDOM BABBLE ~
1. There are just some things you should NEVER buy generic of. Razors are one of them.
2. I feel like we should be farther in life then we are.
3. Bug beat Beast in the  Which baby walked first contest. Beast shows interest, but by this age, BUG was walking.
4. Got a jogging stroller for beyond super cheap. It just needed a new front tire, which cost 6 bucks. WIN
5. Now there are no excuses for not getting my ass out and slimming it down.
6. My husband is due for a bonus. If he doesn't get it, I am gonna be PISSED.
7. Bug's gonna be a cheerleader. I don't know who is more excited, me or her! ME ME ME!
8. I have the best kids in the world.

Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday I was gathering some of Beasts baby baby items to send off to Pdub's sister. She is having her baby next week.  As I was doing this, I was getting more and more upset.
I promptly and properly told Pdubs. That this was all going to his sister "on loan".
Yes, he gave me a funny look. 
Ok he says. You can have it back. Then what.

No I am not mentally prepare to accept Beast as my last baby. The last time I would ever be pregnant. (Ya know cuz I make pregnancy look so glamorous and all)
I know this sounds stupid. I know we can NOT afford another baby now or even in the near future.  But to say I will NEVER have another baby.  It breaks my heart a little.
I have hoarded, and that is the correct word to use, hoarded MOST of Bugs things to pass to Beast.  For over 5 years I have had newborn clothing in a rubbermaid container smashed into a storage unit then a closet.  I paid to store those things.
I could ramble all day. I won't.
I am just NOT ready to accept that I have had my last baby. 


Monday, May 16, 2011


I haven't shaved since Wednesday night. Its now Monday afternoon. GROSS.
My legs are beyond prickly.

I will need to take care of this STAT.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I thought things were looking  up around here.
They are not.
Shouldn't get my hopes up.

In other awesome news! My sisters are amazing!!
One gets my an awesome mothers day gift, she must of known I needed hand lotion and new makeup!
The other sends me the MOST GREATEST AWESOMEST FUNNEST card I have ever seen.
  (i am now forcing people to refer to me as a MomSter.)
& the other sister is spoiling my kids rotten with fantastic dental care!!

 I am lucky. Can't focus on the bad.
One OK husband. (jk)
Two fantabulous kids!
Three amazing sisters.
Great grandparents sometimes great parents! (again jk)

  I just wish I could take care of my sisters like they do me.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yesterday, Some how I locked myself with the baby and Bug out of the house & car.
I took precautions the last time I had to break into my own house, making sure, that NO ONE would ever be able to break in like I did.  So this left me, with NO WAY in my house. I secured the kitchen window so it would be impossible of an intruder to break in. Well I may not be an intruder, but I couldn't break in either.
So with baby in tow, I sat her down in the front (wet) grass, and had Bug watch her. UGH.
I managed to break in the front window.  I was covered in dirt, gross dead bugs, and scratched by the bushes.
ICK. I had to put Bug through the window.  She did good! Opened the front door! SUCCESS!
Now, I am off to secure the front window, so NO ONE can break in... & make a spare hide a key!

On a completely different hand...
Also I am jealous that my husband's co-worker sent his wife 10 dozen roses on their 10th anniversary.  I didn't even get a "happy anniversary" on my 5th.  Sometimes I wish my husband wasn't an ASS.  I know we can't afford roses, but a card wouldn't break the bank.

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Christmas!

My Christmas comes once every three months for nine months.

Bug will bring her report card home from school today! I can't wait til noon when she gets off the bus!!! I rip open her backpack to find it! I love to see how AWESOME she does!!

The suspense is killing me...
Count DOWN...
only 2 hours and 45 minutes....

Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 facts for Today

*a variation on an idea from someone else's blog.

3 facts for today.

1. It is swim class day!
2. It is sunny!
3. I have nothing to make for dinner.

Bonus FACT!! I lost 2.2lbs in 5 days! GO ME!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pity Party for One, by One.

Random Babble

I hate rodents. I am letting my oldest adopt a hamster from our cousin. I feel like a shitty mom lately, so yes, I am willing to let her bring a disgusting rat like creature into our house.

It is no secret that we are broke.  Soon, it will be marked as part of our history. Not just days we talk about, but days we will constantly be reminded of every time we will apply for a car loan or anything.

I am depressed. My husband thinks I am just a bitch. I'll let him think that, I don't want him to know how unhappy I really am.  Its not him or the kids, just what I have become I am unhappy with. 

Bug is super smart. Kindergarten is almost over! She has a count down. I am more excited than she is. I can't wait til there is no bed time or awake time.  Just a pool time!

I think I getting my period, today. (I know, how doesn't she know? is running through your head right now, well they are never consistent and sometimes only last a few hours to a few days)  If its for real, then this will be the first time I had a period since October 2009.  (minus the 6 week bleed time after giving birth, of which I don't count)

Beast is now 8 months old. She has no teeth. She eats all the time.  She is happy, smiley and giggly all day. She stands on her own, holding on to nothing. Soon, I am willing to bet, she will just take a step.  She is going to be smart just like her big sister.

I take bug to the library every Monday.  At first she was allowed to check out 5 books. That is all my mind can keep track of.  As of yesterday, we are now up to 7 books.  Do you know how heavy and cumbersome seven books are to carry when you have a baby to carry too?  Heavy and Hard!

I just want some one to tell me once, You did good, Amy.  Ya know, for more than just finding someone a super deal on something. Surprisingly the last person to say this to me and it was the first time I remember hearing it, was from my father in law. After each of my kids where born. 

I am proud of myself for keeping with breastfeeding.  It is HARD. I have done it now for 8 months. I plan to stick with it til she weens herself, or around 15-18 months, which ever comes first. Its the hardest thing I have ever done.  &  I saved us tons of money we didn't have.  No only if I could magically  train her to use the potty, I could save us tons of diaper money too!

I think about how much money and calories I would save if I was an alcoholics. They have a built in savings plan. If they could quit, look how much money they could save, and look how much weight they would lose. Too bad I don't drink. Can't give up what I don't do.  I could save $ and lose weight! WIN WIN for alcoholics. 

I am jealous of alcoholic, I am an ASS.

This totally turned into a self pity session.
I really do suck.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ugh, My day will come

 The day will come when my phone won't ring 32 times a day.
The day will come when I can buy a pair of shoes without guilt. Or just at all.
The day will come when I will breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that its over.
The day will come. Its soon here.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Dear Beast,
 Every one poops. Its natural. I poop, Dad poops even Bug poops.
But you my dear, are taking advantage of the privilege.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Looking Up

Things seem to be looking up.

I hope this is a trend for us and not just a spike on our graph of life.

Beast is getting big! 6 months old now.
She is totally becoming her own lady.
She is feisty.

Bug is over 100 days smarter.
I know this because she got a sticker at school that told us so.
But I already knew she was super smart.
She reads really well. I am proud.
Based on her report card.
She is doing AWESOME!

I still haven't gotten my head or house together.  However, I do a little here and there, and its adding up.
No one else may see it, but I do. GO ME!

Take a peak at the total cuteness that is my kids!
Valentines Day Love! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When Will it END??

Oh Summer where are you?
I have air conditioning, I dont complain about you. I love the heat. Well really only because I know I can escape into the air.
We HATE winter. Ok. I hate winter. Ok. I hate THIS WINTER.

I love snowflakes. They are beautiful. Unique.
But I have seen my fair share this winter... too much of a good thing makes me apperciate it less.

Ainsley hates winter too. I tell her that she does. She really dislikes getting dressed up in her heavy jacket just to sit in her carseat. YUCK.

Ava, now, she kinda likes it. She gets to play in the snow.  She likes this. She misses school. This she doesnt like.  Snow is eating her Easter vacation & soon summer vacation.  UGH.

So like I said. Summer are you heading our way anytime soon? We miss you!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

same ole


ever feel like everyone else around you has it together and you dont?

thats me right now.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

not dead

i am not dead

i have been MIA

only beacause I have nothing really to say

be back when I do.

Monday, January 3, 2011

OMG my nerves


My nerves are bad.


Would my nerves be so bad if I didnt feel so stressed OUT.

I would love love love to know.

I am stressed over
 1. my messy house
 2. my huge fat ass
 3. not being able to give my daughter the bday party she wants.
 5. not being able to control these things.

Are brighter days ahead? Is there greener grass somewhere?

I wish I knew.