Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Pity Party for One, by One.

Random Babble

I hate rodents. I am letting my oldest adopt a hamster from our cousin. I feel like a shitty mom lately, so yes, I am willing to let her bring a disgusting rat like creature into our house.

It is no secret that we are broke.  Soon, it will be marked as part of our history. Not just days we talk about, but days we will constantly be reminded of every time we will apply for a car loan or anything.

I am depressed. My husband thinks I am just a bitch. I'll let him think that, I don't want him to know how unhappy I really am.  Its not him or the kids, just what I have become I am unhappy with. 

Bug is super smart. Kindergarten is almost over! She has a count down. I am more excited than she is. I can't wait til there is no bed time or awake time.  Just a pool time!

I think I getting my period, today. (I know, how doesn't she know? is running through your head right now, well they are never consistent and sometimes only last a few hours to a few days)  If its for real, then this will be the first time I had a period since October 2009.  (minus the 6 week bleed time after giving birth, of which I don't count)

Beast is now 8 months old. She has no teeth. She eats all the time.  She is happy, smiley and giggly all day. She stands on her own, holding on to nothing. Soon, I am willing to bet, she will just take a step.  She is going to be smart just like her big sister.

I take bug to the library every Monday.  At first she was allowed to check out 5 books. That is all my mind can keep track of.  As of yesterday, we are now up to 7 books.  Do you know how heavy and cumbersome seven books are to carry when you have a baby to carry too?  Heavy and Hard!

I just want some one to tell me once, You did good, Amy.  Ya know, for more than just finding someone a super deal on something. Surprisingly the last person to say this to me and it was the first time I remember hearing it, was from my father in law. After each of my kids where born. 

I am proud of myself for keeping with breastfeeding.  It is HARD. I have done it now for 8 months. I plan to stick with it til she weens herself, or around 15-18 months, which ever comes first. Its the hardest thing I have ever done.  &  I saved us tons of money we didn't have.  No only if I could magically  train her to use the potty, I could save us tons of diaper money too!

I think about how much money and calories I would save if I was an alcoholics. They have a built in savings plan. If they could quit, look how much money they could save, and look how much weight they would lose. Too bad I don't drink. Can't give up what I don't do.  I could save $ and lose weight! WIN WIN for alcoholics. 

I am jealous of alcoholic, I am an ASS.

This totally turned into a self pity session.
I really do suck.