Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Yesterday, Some how I locked myself with the baby and Bug out of the house & car.
I took precautions the last time I had to break into my own house, making sure, that NO ONE would ever be able to break in like I did.  So this left me, with NO WAY in my house. I secured the kitchen window so it would be impossible of an intruder to break in. Well I may not be an intruder, but I couldn't break in either.
So with baby in tow, I sat her down in the front (wet) grass, and had Bug watch her. UGH.
I managed to break in the front window.  I was covered in dirt, gross dead bugs, and scratched by the bushes.
ICK. I had to put Bug through the window.  She did good! Opened the front door! SUCCESS!
Now, I am off to secure the front window, so NO ONE can break in... & make a spare hide a key!

On a completely different hand...
Also I am jealous that my husband's co-worker sent his wife 10 dozen roses on their 10th anniversary.  I didn't even get a "happy anniversary" on my 5th.  Sometimes I wish my husband wasn't an ASS.  I know we can't afford roses, but a card wouldn't break the bank.