Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Plain & Simple

Sometimes life Sucks
Sometimes it doesn't

Today it doesn't!

~And Now for RANDOM BABBLE ~
1. There are just some things you should NEVER buy generic of. Razors are one of them.
2. I feel like we should be farther in life then we are.
3. Bug beat Beast in the  Which baby walked first contest. Beast shows interest, but by this age, BUG was walking.
4. Got a jogging stroller for beyond super cheap. It just needed a new front tire, which cost 6 bucks. WIN
5. Now there are no excuses for not getting my ass out and slimming it down.
6. My husband is due for a bonus. If he doesn't get it, I am gonna be PISSED.
7. Bug's gonna be a cheerleader. I don't know who is more excited, me or her! ME ME ME!
8. I have the best kids in the world.