Monday, June 27, 2011

She is the WORST.

I am going to do a little thing on  here that I will call
It will tell you the WHOS WHATS AND WHYS.

My first target. My mother. SHE IS THE WORST.
I had the pleasure of riding with my mother for a long car trip yesterday.
Lets just say it was a miracle
1- that I didn't puke all over the inside of her car
2- we made it home alive (after I insisted she pull over and I drive the rest of the way)

I often talk to my mom on her way home from work. She is ALWAYS -EVERYDAY - NO LIE- complaining about the other drivers.  Some one is always pulling out on her, or swerving into her lane, or tailgating her.
I had some feeling it couldn't all be other people.
Yesterday confirmed my suspicion. 
Oh Mom may stay in her lane, but she bobs from yellow line to white line. Back and forth, just swaying away as she gas and releases. UGH the surges where the worst.  I honestly was going throw up all OVER. I had to use a bag.  I don't think its TOO hard to apply an even amount of pressure to your gas petal. No wonder she goes through gas like its toilet paper.  She is constantly  ~10x a minute~  stomping on the gas the lifting her foot. OMG.  WHO TAUGHT THIS LADY HOW TO DRIVE???
Lets not get started on how she changes lanes.  No she doesn't look and make sure she has room and gently switch lanes as the car is moving forward. NO she quick glances (not sure she even does this) and BRAKES the practically turns.  This is not a fluid motion, it is a jerky quick ballsy move.
I had to remind her, MY KIDS were in the car.  She blamed the car, the road, but it was never her fault.  Even after hours and hours of  monotonous highway driving, at 10:30 at night while she was tweezing her eyebrows. Yes, you read that right, she some  how found her tweezers, and was tweezing her eyebrows while driving on an interstate with tons of trucks in the dark with my children in the car.
I insisted she pull over and we switch.  She clearly was not fit to drive at after no sleep and a long day, or EVER. 
As I said it is a miracle we made it home. Also that she isn't in more accidents. & She hasn't gotten more tickets.
Next time Mom and I go together somewhere, I WILL DRIVE, my car. This is ensure there being no chance of her driving at all.  My kids are not going to ride in a car with her ever again.  I will continue to make excuses as to why they can't to her and them.
In closing,
thank you dad for teaching me how to drive.