Thursday, September 30, 2010


I started this blog for a few reasons. One being I wanted a place where I could rant and rave and bitch and moan.  Two I place to share the crazy stupid comical things that happen in my little world.

Nothing really has happened since.  Weird.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Bad Dogs

My dogs, I love them, but lately I can not stand them. They annoy the sh*t out of me.  Ace needs a haircut and Gypsybelle needs a good brush. I just dont have the time or will power to do it.  Its always a job and half to get a brush near either one of them.  They shed all over. I cant deal with the hair on my sheets and bedspread. I am constantly washing and changing my sheets. (more than my usual twice a week) With a newborn, they are getting to be a bit much.   Ace ALWAYS needs to go out when I am feeding the beast.  She does it on purpose. I cant get  up and put her out when the beast is attached to me.  I find random, smelly pee spots. It grosses me out. and I am the only one to clean up after them.  Or groom them. UGH and they ruined my sofa. chewing their bones on my sofa. leaving gross marks. ICK.  My carpets and sofas need a good steam clean.


Ace (after her last haircut)

They are Bugs dogs though. And she does help take care of them. I do have to give her that. She feeds them, and helps put them out and bring them in when she is home.   And they were fine until beast came home. thats when all hell broke lose. I just hope they calm down. So my nerves calm down. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Child the Fashionista

Cute right? She thinks she's the next Rachel Zoe. Her new dream is to dress the stars. And attend fashion shows. Thats okay by me ... I guess. Yes that is a pillowcase.

On another unrelated note, I cant stop lactating through bras and pads and shirts. This is becoming a huge problem.  I pump and feed the beast on a regular basis. The boob juice just keeps flowing.. UGH

Saturday, September 18, 2010

slightly surprised!

Having the PDubs away for a few days isnt going as horribly as I thought it was. To tell you the truth it.. the days leading up to his departure, for me, were more stressful. I was worried that I wouldnt have enough hands to do everything, my nerves would be shot by the evening of day one without him here to just give me a second to catch my breath so to speak.  I dont feel overwhelmed at all.  I was even able to reaarange some furniture without him here! (thanks little sister for helping me out)
The only moment I really hated was having to pack us all up to run to pick up the drycleaning. This is something I would normally leave the kids home with him for. Or send him to do... It was alot of prep work for the ten minutes we were gone.  But he needs his work clothes.  So off we went! I did it! I felt like I accomplished something.  Yay Me!

Friday, September 17, 2010

It was a better day today

Yesterday was horrible. Today was better.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Got Milk?

Yesterday was a busy day for me. Fist I sent my husband off to 5 day vacay... Well he is at the races with his dad, but away from us for 5 long days.  Then Beast had a doctors appt, then off to Bugs School to meet the teacher.  UGH.. it was a lot to do trust me.  Being that I boobie feed  the beast.  I had pumped in the am and took that with us everywhere and fed her from the bottle. (backstory)  I rush to the school to meet the teacher. Ofcourse there is absolutly no parking. I search for a spot for ten minutes and just make it inside for the opening speech. yay me!! I cross my arms, because this is how I fake looking interested in what is being said, to feel a bit of wetness. I look down and what do I see, perfect lactaction leaks. OMG... I leaked boob juice through a breast pad, through my bra and two shirts!!! Red faced I ran to the bathroom, hoping no one noticed.  I had to stay to meet the teacher.  As I was fanning my shirt in the bathroom, a lovely lady walks in. I say Hi, she says Hi. I leave embarrassed. Thank God I wont see her again most likely.  Hahah jokes on me. I walk in to Bugs classroom to meet the bathroom lady.  So much for " dont embarrass me mom". Sorry Bug!
 Parent / Teacher conferences wont at all be uncomfortable....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No one tells me anything

My kid is in the paper today. Did I know this? NO. No one asked me. Its okay though, my sister wrote the article that her picture was with. It would have just been nice to know, so when I was asked about it, I didnt look and sound like a dumbbell. But oh well. I am used to looking and sounding like a dumbbell.

Bug LOVES that her picture is in the paper. She thinks this makes her famous. Like famous famous, Gaga and Justin Beiber famous. I didnt want to crush her spirits, But I did explain to her that it will take a gossip mag cover to be considered famous. Thats her next goal. Diva Much?

Ugh.. Maybe not such a great idea

I am trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. So far is going... well not great. I am really a computer and internet dumbbell. YeahWell. Sometimes, Alot of times I start something and do not finish it. Well I am going to try to stick with this for a bit. Just so I can accomplish something. Even if its as dumb as posting to a blog everyday.

We woke up a bit later then usual. But we still brushed our teeth, combed our hair, took our medicine and made it to the bus stop with time to spare! Bug most of the times moves like a snail. (she gets that from her greatgrandmother) but when we gotta move, I must give it to her, so hustles. Yay Bug!
Beast is napping while I try to figure this all out. Very productive of me. Save your applause. I should really be cleaning this tornado site up! Well there is always later!

Monday, September 13, 2010

New to This

I read alot of blogs. Some only once, some only once a day. Some more than that. I decided I was gonna write me own. If no one reads it oh well. Atleast it will keep track of my days for me.
Most of the blogs I come across focus on one thing or another, Food, Health, Crafts. Me well.. I am not one to ever know what I am going to do next, so this blog is just about me and my family and my hectic boring life. Kinda like gossip. I love me some gossip. So who better to do so about us then Me!