Friday, December 31, 2010

total cliche

 I am about to be a total cliche. Yes I normally hate doing that.
However I thought it would be fun to look back at this year, and wrap it with a pretty little bow.

Things I have accomplished, just did, am proud of, not so proud of, & not forgettable.

1. Had baby #2!


2. Sent my oldest to school for the first time.

Proud & Sad

3. Watched my Sisters become Doctors!!

Dr. Twinners!
4. My other sister graduated college too!
need your teeth cleaned?

5. Became a God Mommy!


6.  Been MARRIED for 5 years! - accomplished
7. ignored my dogs - not proud
8. let my house become even a bigger slobhole - way not proud
9. Watched my Pdubs really enjoy his job. - proud, not forgettable.
10. gave up on Zumba, not b/c it was hard or work, but b/c it was ripping me off @$8 a class - just did
11. consumed less pepsi than usual - EXTREMELY PROUD!
12. drank more coffee than usual - extremely unproud!

Now I do have some Goals for 2011...

I will do my best to stay on track with them... hahahahha. I am laughing at myself. I know ME.

1. I want to make my bed everyday!
2. Keep the bathroom company ready at all times!
3. Fold the wash as soon as it comes out of the dryer.
4. Donate more stuff... (selfless? not really.. this is an attempt to downsize my clutter)
5. downsize my clutter
6. be a better mom.
7. be a better wife.
8. cook more
9. eat out less
10. save $$
11. force us to take a vaction with just the four of us! Its never been done, even just the three of us.
      we usually go to family or with family. I want to attempt one on our own. as grown ups with kids.
12. be a happier person!!

Alright happy new year bitches!  If there was anything you wanted to accomplish in 2010 you have a few hours. I am going to attempt to drop 50lbs! Totally doable! I got 6 hours...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

a cute christmas

baby beast's first christmas was a success.
bug got everything she wanted and more! thanks to all the santas I have in my family!!
I hope they know how much I appreciate them and all they do for me and my kids!!

Christmas 2010 morning.
before you could get lost in the sea of wrapping paper!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

sad to be dissapointed.

I used to love Christmas time.  Its partially the reason I got married right before christmas. The other reason is a whole other huge story. No time for that though.

My 5 year anniversary was less then stellar.  I got Pdubs a nice braclet with something engraved on it & it matches his wedding ring. I put alot of thought into it. I don't think he apperciates it.  Oh Well.

Guess what I got.

Go ahead, bet you'll never guess.

Its something I was expecting.

Go ahead, just one guess, then I will tell you.

I got....


Kinda hurts.  But like I said it was expected.  I mean five years & you couldn't be bothered to duck into the dollar store and buy a card for .50 cents. 

Yep.  Well like I said. I expected it.  I mean you really couldnt even be bothered to GO to a store and buy my engagement ring.   guess I shouldnt be too shocked... and I'm not shocked really. Just dissappointed.

I didn't want anyting spectacular or pricey. Just a card even. Sometimes I dont think thats too much to ask for.