Sunday, February 27, 2011

Looking Up

Things seem to be looking up.

I hope this is a trend for us and not just a spike on our graph of life.

Beast is getting big! 6 months old now.
She is totally becoming her own lady.
She is feisty.

Bug is over 100 days smarter.
I know this because she got a sticker at school that told us so.
But I already knew she was super smart.
She reads really well. I am proud.
Based on her report card.
She is doing AWESOME!

I still haven't gotten my head or house together.  However, I do a little here and there, and its adding up.
No one else may see it, but I do. GO ME!

Take a peak at the total cuteness that is my kids!
Valentines Day Love! 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When Will it END??

Oh Summer where are you?
I have air conditioning, I dont complain about you. I love the heat. Well really only because I know I can escape into the air.
We HATE winter. Ok. I hate winter. Ok. I hate THIS WINTER.

I love snowflakes. They are beautiful. Unique.
But I have seen my fair share this winter... too much of a good thing makes me apperciate it less.

Ainsley hates winter too. I tell her that she does. She really dislikes getting dressed up in her heavy jacket just to sit in her carseat. YUCK.

Ava, now, she kinda likes it. She gets to play in the snow.  She likes this. She misses school. This she doesnt like.  Snow is eating her Easter vacation & soon summer vacation.  UGH.

So like I said. Summer are you heading our way anytime soon? We miss you!!